Quentin Dobbin Publish time 2024-5-15 17:24

Pattaya is called the city of sex, but it’s not just erotica, but also valuable human goodness.

Pattaya, in addition to its charming coastline, romantic beaches, and dazzling sunshine. There is also a night world that makes men all over the world have high hormones! Pattaya is known as the sex city, but is there really only dirty body trade here? What is the real Pattaya red light district like? Today I will take you to Pattaya Walking Street to see what this world-famous erotic street is like!

Keep walking along the seaside and you will reach walking street. When the sun sets and the sky gradually darkens, all kinds of girls will appear on the road along the river. Most of these girls are from Thailand, but there are also a few from abroad. You can tell them by their skin. Each one is 3 meters tall, and the group is 5 meters tall. At a distance of about 2 kilometers along the road along the river, there are at least several thousand women waiting for business opportunities! There are also a few inquiries, and many foreigners will come to communicate with these black pearls. But they basically ask in groups and rarely act alone. Maybe this is for safety reasons. After all, when tourists in a foreign country encounter local snakes, they have someone to take care of them!

Entering the walking street, you will see a "woman" who dances by herself. The reason for the quotation marks is that I really can’t tell whether this is a real woman or a shemale. This is so common in Thailand. Some beauties that make you salivate will make your jaw drop as soon as they speak. Haha, that scene was so embarrassing! But what I want to say is that although the gender issue is unclear, this "woman" is quite artistically determined. At the entrance of a crowded street, she played music and danced there. No one around her paid attention to her, but she seemed not to care. I personally quite agree with and appreciate this kind of persistence in treating one's career!

Walking along the street, the flow of people will gradually increase. Many people were wandering on the street, sometimes looking into a store, and sometimes stopping in front of the bar to admire the scene. This type of tourists are usually still looking for a place. It’s no wonder that when you enter the walking street, you will see the streets full of lights, entertainment, and signboards. It’s really difficult for you to choose! Of course, there are also people who come in just to experience the atmosphere or take photos, just like a group of us. To be honest, if you pick up your camera and shoot at the crowd, others will always think you are nondescript. So again, if someone makes eye contact with your camera, please give them a friendly gesture and it will usually be fine!

There are various nightclubs on walking street. There are bars where everyone can party together, private clubs, wild shows, etc. In Pattaya, everyone’s understanding of erotica is far more straightforward than in Japan. Here, many people will come to invite you on the street. Although you don't understand some of them, the solicitors will give you gestures to signal them. It's as simple and rude as that. And sometimes, if you wave your hand to refuse, he will follow you in a nagging manner. So from this point of view, Pattaya's erotic culture is more direct. So, if you are just here for shopping, be careful and avoid these fanatical soliciting groups!

I just mentioned that in Pattaya, there are thousands of people engaged in erotic work. But for the Chinese, they don’t pay the bill. The most important reason is that Chinese people’s aesthetics are different from Thai people’s. The beauty of Chinese people is fair skin and beautiful appearance. White skin is very important. It is said that one white skin covers ten ugliness. However, the beauty of Thailand is that it is very pearly, and many people have excessively dark skin. So for Chinese people, Thai girls don’t seem to be their ideal dish. Then turn to stores opened by Russians, but I have to say that Russian stores are full of holes. It's going to be miserable when you get in there. As for the reasons, you are welcome to communicate privately. That’s all for now. Remember, in Pattaya, it’s best not to enter a store opened by Russians!

In the open-air lounges on the roadside, you can see girls waiting for business everywhere. They seemed more comfortable, ordering a drink and sitting together in twos and threes. If there is business, we will take it. When there is no business, we will chat and talk about the mountains and rivers. I personally think this can be regarded as a relatively normal behavior on the other side of the pornographic workers.

This last picture was taken at the entrance of a hotel. The situation at that time was that there was a band singing inside, and dozens of people were swaying along below, and the atmosphere was extremely exciting. I looked at it from a distance and felt that the lead singer was particularly good at stirring up the atmosphere, so I picked up my camera to record it. But I happened to meet one of the female resident singers. In fact, I was very embarrassed at the time because I didn’t know whether shooting like this abroad was considered a violation of human rights. I could only put down the camera and nod at her! But unexpectedly, she waved her arms and greeted me seriously. At this moment, I felt a special feeling. Because photo shooting is actually a kind of emotional communication. If it is flesh and blood, such pictures have value. The barriers between human nature are becoming more and more intense in today's society, and everyone is doing their own thing, and this wave of hands makes me feel that there are still human beings in a foreign country! As long as you are sincere, it is impossible for the other person not to feel it! Such a shining point of humanity is worth recalling forever!

Pattaya, as the world-famous sex capital, I saw more than just dirty body trade. There are also shining points of persistence in art and goodness of human nature!

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