Virgil Murray Publish time 2024-6-12 20:52

The best travel guide to Osaka, Janiben exterior view (2024)

Since I’m going to Osaka again during the summer vacation, I started working on a strategy. I remembered that Kanba Janiben's 2/8 location project was perfect material, so I decided to circle the stores where 2 doorknobs would go shopping, eating, and playing in each issue as alternatives.

How can you be sure that the recommended store is a good one? Osaka is Kanpachi's hometown, and Kansai TV is Kanpachi's old club. The plan of the program is that two people from No. 8 Middle School will go to a district in each episode and discover 8 good stores. Among them, there are guaranteed stores selected by the program team in advance, and there are also stores that the members themselves found to be great when they wandered around. The rules determined by the latter are completely subjective. Some are because the store is fun, some are because the boss is fun, and some are because the boss’s children have fun feeding the dog. In short, Kansai TV should not lie to people, but it is hard to say about Kanba. The golden rule is that if Ryo Nishikido says it's delicious, it must be super delicious. This is one of the most honest men in the universe.

Because it needs to be reviewed from the perspective of 2015, it is a big project to make it up one issue after another. I plan to spend a month or more slowly completing it, and continue to update it until 2017. (There is no nonsense in the text, store name + order + picture)


Ryo Nishikido and Maruyama—Nakasaki Town, Kita-ku, Osaka City

1 -1 Hamaki Omelet Sandwich
Ryo Nishikido + Mapo Tofu Rice Bowl, Maruyama + Hamburger Rice Bowl

1-1 Hamaki Omelet Sandwich
1-2 La.Granda.Famlio
Ryo Nishikido + Acai Smoothie, Maruyama + Acai Bowl and Granola Set

1-2 La.Granda.Famlio
1 -3 テンテンA boutique shop

1-3 テンテン
1-4 ホリイケA traditional Japanese snack shop

1-4 ホリイケ
1-5 Cafe Queen Omelet Rice
Maruyama+Iced Coffee

1-5 Cafe Queen Omelet Rice
1-6 Osaka Naniwa Uji Kintoki Shaved Ice

1-6 Osaka Wave House Uji Kintoki Shaved Ice
1-7 Kondo Tropical Fish Shop and a Bar

1-7 Kondo Tropical Fish Shop

No. Issue Nakazaki Town (janiben: 20150729, 20150805, 20150812, 20150819)

First issue Nakazaki Town
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Yokoyama Yu, Okura - Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka City

2-1 Ishida a Japanese restaurant
Okura + set meals

2-1 Ishida
2-2 ECO Animal School (no reference value, omitted)

2-2 ECO Animal School
2-3 Futian Coffee Co., Ltd. Self-service Coffee

2-3 Futian Coffee Co., Ltd.
2-4 Roomservice A grocery store

2-4 Roomservice
2-5 Em labo A dried fruit store
Okura + Tomato (cherry tomatoes), Yokoyama Yu + Mango

2-5 Em labo
2-6 A very hot street (? ! White question mark? ? )

2-6 A very hot street
2-7 プーサンA pudding shop
Yokoyama Yu + Strawberry Okura + Matcha

2-7 プーサン
2-8 Narisatsu a bakery
Didn’t go there due to time reasons

2-8 Narimatsu
The second phase of Shinmachi (janiben: 20150902, 20150909, 20150916, 20150923)

Phase 2 Shinmachi
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Murakami, Yasuda - Kyobashi, Osaka City

3-123 Kyobashi Station
Let Murakami enter Johnny's A blessed place
Unicorns growing on grassless wires
Kyobashi Station Mural Exhibition
(Above. This is simply a very close eight.)

3- 123 Kyobashi Station
3-4TONRYO A beef restaurant
Murakami, Yasuda + Sukiyaki, beef stew, draft beer

3-5 I met an uncle whose daughter was Yasuda rice, and I decided it.
It was such a mess, so I decided to skip this category in the future and only write about restaurants and shops.
3-6 Macaron A grocery store Yasuda+T-shirt
Feves A grocery store Murakami+Book

3-6 Macaron+Feves
3-7 Cinderella Charming
チャームNon-alcoholic herb tea
The name of another little public dish is too long, see the picture

3-7 Cinderella Charming
3-8 Cat & Goldfish カフェ·マンチカン

3-8 Cat & Goldfish カフェ·マンチカン
3-9 Protective Clothing.COM
Introducing protective clothing (omitted), the first floor is women’s clothing

3-9 protective clothing.COM
3-10 いち微
The shop owner is a male elder sister, and the chef is a female elder brother

3-10 いち微
The third issue of Kyobashi (janiben: 20150930, 20151007, 20151014, 20151021)
Yasuda and Murakami went to 10 places, it was too real (in comparison, the double barrel group was delicious and lazy) )

The third phase of Jingqiao
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Maruyama and Subaru Shibuya—Taisho District, Osaka City
>4-1 Taisho-an

4-1 Taisho-an
4-2 Fenfenliwu main store
The old Subaru man who was teased

4-2 Fenfentiliwu Main Store
4-3 サレガマ
Second floor musical instrument store

4 -3 サレガマ
4-4 Pier 34 North
Bar + Boat ride

4-4 Pier 34 North
4-5 Kyocera Dome

4-5 Kyocera Dome
4-6 あきよしA toy store

4-6 あきよし
4-7 ABC Boxing Gym

4-7 ABC Boxing Gym
The fourth phase of Taisho District (janiben: 20151104, 20151111, 20151118, 20151125)

The fourth phase of Taisho District
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Okura, Murakami——Fukushima District, Osaka City
5-1 お福ちやんOkonomia Shop

5 -1 お福ちやん
5-2 J-Hoppers A Youth Hostel

5-2 J-Hoppers
5-3 Viaduct Food Street

5-3 Viaduct Food Court
5-4 Teppan Meliu
Murakami Teppanyaki きステーキ重
Okura あいもり丼

5- 4 Teppan Wo Liu
5-5 Sushi Qianyang

5-5 Sushi Qianyang
5-6 A bar recognized the proprietress (omitted)

5-6 A bar

The fifth phase, Fukushima-ku, Osaka City (janiben: 20151202, 20151209, 20151223)

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