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Summary of Thailand's independent travel experience in Bangkok, introduction to Bangkok's traffic situation

Free travel in Bangkok, Thailand. After deciding where to stay, you have to figure out how to travel. Bangkok has the following modes of transportation and their advantages and disadvantages:

1 Bus

Locals often sit there, and backpackers often sit there. The advantage is that it definitely saves money. There are two types: air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned. The one without air-conditioning seems to be only 2-3B (not sure, I have never sat in it). The disadvantage is that the traffic jam in Bangkok is very severe, at least much worse than in Guangzhou. The traffic jam is Director Feng's masterpiece "Endless". And there is no English newspaper station!

2 Sky Train

The ticket price is a bit expensive, 15-40B. I think the locals above are more middle-class, and the rest are us foreigners. The biggest advantage is that there are no traffic jams, and the air conditioning is sufficient, just like in Hong Kong, so there is no smell in the car at all. There are 2 lines. It is very convenient to go to many places by taking this bus, and it is also convenient to transfer. There are one-day passes and three-day passes. If I remember correctly, they are 100B and 280B respectively, but they cannot be used on the Subway subway. This is rather speechless.

Operating hours 6:00a.m.—24:00p.m.

3 Subway

There is only one line, there are not many people, and the fare is about 10 to 30 B. The advantage is that there is no traffic jam. There are also one-day passes and three-day passes, but the same cannot be used on SkyTrain.

4 Taxi Taxi

In Bangkok, taking a taxi is more cost-effective than SkyTrain and Subway as long as there are more than 2 people. The premise is that there is no traffic jam! The law of traffic jams in Bangkok is that there will definitely be traffic jams from Monday to Friday, especially in the afternoon and evening. Whether there will be traffic jams on Saturdays depends on your character, and there will definitely be no traffic jams on Sundays. Taxi fare starts at 35B, then 2B per kilometer. If there is no traffic jam, you can basically go anywhere in the city for about 100B. When I first arrived, I asked the driver if he could use a meter. Later, I found out that all the taxis I took in the past 8 days used the meter proactively. Sometimes when you mention a place, the driver will shake his head and refuse to take you because there will be traffic jams there, or he will ask you if you want to take the expressway. In short, taking a taxi with 3-4 people is the wisest choice.

5 Boat

Boats are used for transportation on the Chao Phraya River, which is the main means of transportation for local people. There are a total of 5 types of boats to choose from, and the routes are basically the same, from Wat Rajsingkorn to Pibul. You can transfer to SkyTrain at SathornTaksin Cen (station C6). The operating hours are basically commuting time, 6:00-9:00 a.m., 3:00-6:00 p.m. (Tourist Boat time is 9:30a.m.-3:30p.m.), the fare is cheap , Local Line 10—14B, Tourist Boat 25B. There are many famous attractions along the way. Station B5 is ChinaTown, and N8, N9, and N10 are the Grand Palace. You can sit all the way to browse the scenery first, and then take the return boat to where you want to go. It is recommended to do the Local Line to feel the local atmosphere.

6 Tuk-Tuk

A kind of three-wheeled motor vehicle driven by local people, which can be seen all over the streets. The price needs to be negotiated in advance. There is no price advantage and it is easy to be deceived and ripped off. It’s not very safe. It’s recommended that you sit on it once during the day to get a feel for it, but don’t sit on it at night.

7 Motorcycle

Commonly known as motorcycles, they are the same as before the motorcycle ban in Guangzhou. They have the advantage of being cheap but have the disadvantage of being unsafe. Don’t ride on them especially at night.

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