Herman Constance Publish time 2024-8-24 22:49

Tokyo's red-light district guide: Experience the different levels of nightlife

Some questions about the sex industry in Japan's red-light district. Today I will take you to see how the sex industry in Tokyo's red-light district works. In order to help you better understand and arrange your nightlife, I will divide the content of the introduction into several levels, from elementary to ultimate, so that you can understand and experience Japanese girls step by step.

Elementary: Touching breasts shop
Location: Ikebukuro, Tokyo

You need to buy a few tickets to enter the touching breasts shop, each 10,000 yen, and there is no hard requirement to buy a few. The atmosphere in the shop is similar to a Chinese disco, with a group of naked women dancing in the middle. You can put the ticket anywhere on your body, and the naked woman will take the ticket away with her mouth. This is a double enjoyment of vision and touch, which can be savored slowly.

Intermediate: Door-to-door service
Location: Every corner of Tokyo
This kind of shop is called ヘルス in Japanese. The indoor area is not large, the lights are dim, and soft background music is played. After entering the shop, the waiter will take you to a small room to take a shower, followed by various services, including perverted services that are not common in ordinary AV. Generally speaking, this is not allowed (entry), but individual shops can be discussed in advance.

Premium: Healthy Bubble Bath
Location: Yoshiwara
Bubble bath is an upgraded version of "health", enjoying services like those in the AV world. The rooms are luxurious, brightly lit, with beautiful views and a wide variety of services. The price of a bubble bath starts at about 20,000 yen, and premium bubble baths are more expensive.

Special: Premium Mixed Bathing Package
Location: Premium Hot Spring Hotel
This package includes services such as banquets and mixed bathing hot springs, which is very luxurious. From banquets to mixed bathing hot springs, all services allow you to feel the supreme enjoyment.

Ultimate: Extra Life Peak Package

If the above experience still cannot satisfy you, you can consider making an appointment with a working actress. The following are the prices and rules of some working actresses in Tokyo. Please note that you must wear a condom and cannot use violence. The price ranges from 35,000 yen to 700,000 yen, depending on the popularity of the actress and the service time.

Beware of fraud

I would like to remind everyone to be careful of fraud on WeChat. Usually, a woman with revealing and vulgar clothes will tell you that she has arrived after adding you on WeChat, and ask you to trade with virtual currency, but in fact she has not come at all. In this case, everyone must be vigilant.

Japan's sex industry seems to be diverse, but it is also full of traps. I hope everyone can stay rational while enjoying it and avoid being deceived. Finally, I want to promote myself. I provide customized free travel services in Japan. Whether it is half-package or full-package, I can customize the most suitable itinerary according to your needs.

Number of people: 1-5 people
Price: 18,000 yen/day
Expenses: fuel, tolls, highway fees, parking fees, food and accommodation, and scenic spot tickets are at your own expense

Number of people: 1-5 people
Price: 32,000 yen/day
Expenses: car fares, food and accommodation are all included
I hope everyone has fun, pays attention to safety, and you can send me a private message if you have any questions!
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