how far is saigon to hanoi, How far is it from Hanoi to Saigon?
Distance from Saigon to Hanoi: How Far Is It? Geographically, it takes up to 1000 kilometers from Saigon to Hanoi. Unless the traveler is going by train for a night, it must be another long-haul journey on standing buses. Transit time will take one day (night; 24 hours) traveling Saigon to Nha Trang, another day (night; 24 hours) going from Nha Trang to Hoi An, there will be three hours from Hoi An to Hue, and one day (or night; 24 hours) will be involved in taking the journey from Hue to Hanoi. In the afternoon, Hanoi made it to Nanning between some hours from 3 to 4 PM. My timetable will go as follows: d1-P. Penh-Saigon; d2-Saigon-1 day; d3-Saigon-Nha Trang(daily bus); d4-Nha Trang-1 day, late night bus to Hoi An; d5-morning arrival in Hoi An, direct bus to Hue; d6-Hue-1 day, late night bus to Hanoi; d7-morning arrival in Hanoi, taxi Lotus hotel, shuttle bus to Nanning.