how far from hanoi to saigon, How many miles is the distance from Hanoi to Saigon?
Distance from Hanoi to Saigon: How Far Is It? Two hundred kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City is Hanoi, requiring a twelve-hour trip by car. The train would take approximately thirty-six hours; air travel would require around two hours. It is not recommended for tourists to rent a car while in Vietnam. Guests who travel to Vietnam independently may also use the services of a train. For registered group's tour of Vietnam, travel agencies are responsible for the domestic flight arrangements. Below we will mainly cover the train travel from Hanoi to Saigon.Train from Hanoi to Saigon:
Train leaves: Hanoi Railway Station
Train arrives: Ho Chi Minh Railway Station
Departure: 19:00, 23:00, 09:00, 06:15
Duration of the journey: 36 hours
Total distance: 1,726 kilometers
Arrival: 04:10, 05:00, 18:37, 15:05
Ticket prices in US dollars: 61 (hard seat), 63 (soft sleeper), 93 (hard sleeper), 95 (soft sleeper)
Format: Unified Express Train
Train number: &E
Booking phone: 0084-904619926