Charles Spenser Publish time 2024-5-23 20:15

Korean prostitution experience report, teaching you how to quickly buy love and have sex with girls in Korea

Although prostitution is illegal in South Korea, most government departments turn a blind eye. Why? Because prostitution drives GDP, consumption, employment, condom industry, hotel industry, venue rental, and other derived industries. What if the government forces a crackdown on pornography? Then you just don't give me the face of "Bi Yuntao" company, and you don't give me the face of the consortium behind each big hotel. In my previous article, I said that the lifeline of South Korea's economy is in the hands of large conglomerates, and the conglomerates are controlled by the United States. Fighting against pornography is more difficult than dismantling THAAD. Few people will say anything if you dismantle THAAD. But in South Korea, do you want to fight against pornography? The South Korean people turned into little fighters every minute to fight against the government. Not long ago, they demolished a red light district. You can go online to see how much public outrage there was. I don’t compare with other countries because national conditions and national characteristics are different in every aspect. The Korean sex workers around me have said that when the government cracks down on pornography, some sex workers will definitely change careers, but most of them will continue to work in other places, or even go to some dangerous places, or go abroad for prostitution. And it will lead to an increase in the rape rate in South Korea. The men in South Korea are very lustful, and there are many manual workers who are in urgent need of release after doing farm work. Don't you give these brothers room to release? These brothers are going to do bad things.

During this time, I tried to visit several online celebrity stores with real friends who came to Korea. My circle of friends also helped me visit several online celebrity stores and wrote experience reports for me. Generally speaking, , rather than saying it is not good, it is better to say that it is not as flashy as what is written on a Hong Kong and Taiwan website, such as multiple porn, elevator sex, fish tank concubine selection, and group porn in public areas. I have not seen any of these things. It may be I was unlucky, but several stores visited by friends in the circle had the same result. Afterwards, I reflected with my circle of friends on why such unsatisfactory results occurred and why there were so many fake news. The answer I got was that, first, due to problems with their own mechanisms, these websites would lead to many people posting guide posts. To maintain an account, a question arises. Where do so many guides come from? Many people have never been to Korea, so why can they post this kind of post? The answer is simple, copy it! ! ! How to copy it? For example, A went to a massage parlor and wrote a post saying: "This shop is okay." At this time, B appeared. B wanted to post to maintain an account or for other purposes, but what should I do if B has not been to the massage parlor? Woolen cloth? Copy A! ! ! But I couldn’t copy it blatantly, so I changed it slightly and said, “This store is okay.” Then C appeared and changed slightly to "This store is very good", D was slightly changed to "This store is good", E was slightly changed to "This store is very good", and the final marketing website Appeared. I haven’t studied the business models of these marketing websites, so I won’t talk about them for now. These marketing websites will collect prostitution information from all over the world. However, because the cost of collecting original information is too high, they will also choose to copy netizens’ posts. , and then a second marketing website appears. This marketing website will continue to copy the previous marketing website. This is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that the group of netizens who maintained accounts will come back to copy the marketing website. After all, the information on the marketing website is more tempting and comprehensive, in the end! ! ! This ordinary massage parlor has turned into a "group sex", "free sex in public areas" and "fish tank concubine selection"! ! ! Most people who have actually been there will choose to remain silent. When one day, a small number of people who want to tell the truth muster up the courage to tell the truth, their voices will disappear in the ocean of information, because people will choose Listen to the stories they want to hear most, and automatically block those boring stories that they don’t like to hear. The most disgusting thing is that there will be a group of mentally retarded and stupid people who accuse the people who tell the truth of being liars, and ultimately end up doing this. It's sad that "people" are also the ones paying the bill.

I have seen the Thai Artillery Regiment before, and my friends occasionally organize villa sex in Thailand, that is, renting a villa, where a few friends drink and smoke marijuana. They played like crazy. So one inspiration for me is that since it can be done in Thailand, I can also do it in Korea. I will also try to do it this month. When I go to visit stores, I will bring a few circle friends or come to Korea. Just for fun, I just want to meet and get to know each other so that I can organize a villa later. I like to play myself. Although the Thai and Korean goods company is very busy, I am quite free every day. For this reason, my partner also spends all day. They scolded me and delayed my payment and wages. We are all our own people anyway, so it doesn’t matter to me, and my partners can’t cheat me. I’ve read a lot of chicken soup articles on the Internet before, saying that you should never open a company with your friends, or Why don't you go into partnership with someone who is close to you? I believed in this kind of chicken soup a few years ago, but now I think I am still too young and too simple. These chicken soups are usually excerpted from xxx management books and the like. Or based on the management experience in Europe and the United States. They have a certain truth and are also applicable to Europe and the United States, but they are very impractical in China because these management studies manage foreigners, and foreigners mostly work on an individual basis, but We in China are different. We in China are based on family, blood, and geography. If you apply these management concepts, you will basically be cheated. Do you dare to do business with strangers or unfamiliar people in China? Not realistic. Doing things with family, friends and acquaintances is at least guaranteed, because it’s not that your friends won’t cheat you, but there is a cost for your friends to cheat you. For example, if a classmate cheats on you, you can expose it to your classmates so that they can’t hang out. , but there is no cost for strangers to trick you. Even these most front-end companies on the Internet use their own people in the core areas and will not use capable outsiders, unless you are the kind of genius who is once in a century.

There is another resource that I am developing recently, which is part-time work for college students. There are many such part-time jobs for female college students in Korea, but most of them refuse Chinese people because of the language barrier. Moreover, these female college students will pick the guests if they are not themselves. I will reject it if I like the type, or if it is sloppy. Anyway, I am good at this, so I will develop more resources like this in the future.

The recent outbreak of the Cui incident has sparked heated discussions on the Internet again. One side of Caoliu is criticizing domestic political parties. I would like to say some different opinions. First of all, I am not a party member, and I am not even a league member. What I say below is not to lick anyone, nor It’s not necessary. I just hope that everyone will wake up and not be so easily incited. Let me tell you some old stories. From when I was in high school, I used a software called Unbounded to circumvent the firewall. Foreign media started to criticize it. China, I have the feeling that China will collapse next year almost every year, but I am a little tired of hearing it now. Has China collapsed today? But such remarks are said and believed every year, especially when I was in college. I was once an angry young man who hated corruption and unfair things. But I later understood that throughout all times, at home and abroad, Following the rules of nature, everyone is following the law of the forest, and everyone is following the law of the jungle. Throughout history and at home and abroad, things like law have always restricted the civilian class and cannot restrict the privileged class. The root of your anger now may be the same as mine at the beginning. It is because I am not a privileged class. But have you ever thought about it? Can any change be made by just thinking with your brain and speaking with your mouth? When you get old, you will still be at the bottom of the pyramid. Instead of wasting energy by talking nonsense, you should grow more and absorb more energy that this world gives to everyone. If you are really awesome, go kill a few corrupt officials. I respect you as a filthy man, but there is no point in just talking and complaining. Moreover, the political parties in the country are far from violating the people's public restraints. If you want to rebel, there will be no one to rebel with you. Then talk about the fact that there is no privileged class abroad? Doesn’t Japan still have a royal family, does the UK still have a queen, and the queen still has the power of pardon? Do you think these are privileged classes? Do you really regard them as national symbols? There are also chaebols in South Korea where I am now, and there is also a royal family in Thailand.

I have seen too many people complain like this. In fact, if you go abroad, you will still complain about all kinds of unfairness. Therefore, instead of complaining about society's waste of time, it is better to work hard to make money, work hard to climb up, and study more about how these people become the privileged class. Moreover, the information that is being released now is all information that others want you to see. Many of them are released by interest groups behind them in order to incite the masses to achieve certain goals. Don’t you think there are still some hidden plots? Let’s talk about the first echelon in the country. Are these people born to be in the first echelon? NONONO! ! ! These people have worked for several generations to become the first echelon today. The same is true for South Korea where I am now. The reason why every president in South Korea cannot die well is because certain interest groups manipulate public opinion and retaliate. , South Koreans still think that they are a democratic society. Do they think that they are a democratic society if they sentence the son of Samsung Group to death? It’s funny enough. In fact, the decisions made by these people are all decisions made by the media and interest groups. If you still don’t understand what I’m talking about, please scroll up and read again how the economic companies praise the anchors. , please point out if there is anything wrong. I am willing to listen to different voices.

By the way, let me tell you a little secret. Some people asked me if there are any Russian girls. Yes, there are, but I can't provide them to anyone. I can tell you a place in Beijing where you can find foreign horses, which is cheap and affordable. In the imperial capital, you want You need to spend at least 3,000 to find Yanmar. However, the place I am talking about, Yanmar only costs more than 1,000. This place is the major nightclubs near the Workers' Stadium, the kind of nightclubs with a lot of foreigners. For example, I was in a certain place before. When I was playing in a nightclub, I went in and ordered a glass of wine. I didn’t reserve a table. Two Russian brothers went with me. When we were dancing there, there were many young, beautiful and very sexy foreign girls who would talk to you. Inside, you need to make more eye contact with the foreign girls in the nightclub! ! ! ! This is an important point! ! ! ! Especially the kind where 2 or 3 foreign girls form a group! ! ! Some foreign girls will wave you over after they look at you. If you are handsome, you can chat and have sex with the foreign girl. If you are not handsome, just follow my example and go over to negotiate the price. The price in 2017 is about 1,000. More, I don’t know now. The reason why these foreign girls are cheap is because they don’t know Chinese chicken heads, and they are all newbies or just arrived in the imperial capital.

A few friends came here recently, and some of them brought their girlfriends. These women are really scary. The above is just a woman’s daily consumption. I personally don’t like shopping in duty-free shops. I spent half of my time there. The kind that I can explode when I'm young, and I rarely buy clothes. I buy them once and wear them for a year. But this group of women is really scary. They can stay in a duty-free shop for one day, then go to another duty-free shop the next day, and the same duty-free shop on the third day. They spend 7 or 8 days doing nothing but eating and shopping. We guys basically just drop the girls off at the duty-free shop first, then we get massages and do other things, and then we pick them up and have dinner with them in the evening.

Many people don’t know where to exchange money when they arrive in South Korea. The picture above is what my friend exchanged in China. He lost at least 300 RMB on the 10,000 yuan. In Myeongdong or Dongdaemun, 10,000 RMB can be exchanged for at least 1.65 million Korean won. Some underground banks can exchange for 170, but a large amount of exchange is required. I had told my friend beforehand that I would first exchange points in China for less, and then go to South Korea to buy a certain treasure or a certain letter. However, my "less" seemed different from his "less". The difference was 10 times. He thought 10,000 It means "less", and by "less" I mean hundreds of thousands. This also triggered a series of thoughts in me. The first reason for this error is that our structure is different. After reading the previous article, many people privately said to me that they envied my experience, and several brothers even wanted to resign. If they want to hang out with me because they don’t have a job, my most common reply to them is “While you envy me, I also envy you.” In fact, the rules of our world are very similar to the law of conservation of energy. When you are worried about not being able to find a job, , others will also worry about the company's inability to raise money, or other things, and everyone's "pain value" is the same. There was a time when I was extremely envious of the ladies who sit on the stage because they work easily and carry their fixed assets with them, so they can make money with just a move of their legs. However, after I met many people in this industry, I realized that it was not as easy as I imagined. , in fact, these young ladies are also very miserable. The reasons for entering the industry in the first place are also various. In order to relieve the pressure, they often go to ducks (90% of the duck shops in the imperial capital are these young ladies taking care of the business). Because they make money quickly, their consumption power will also increase. It was okay when they were young because there were many customers, but when they grow old and lose their beauty, the number of customers will definitely decrease, and because they have no survival skills, these ladies will be miserable in their later years. Even if these young ladies are married to rich men. I once envied "successful people" like Jack Ma. Later I learned that only two sentences of what Boss Ma said were true. The first was: If given the chance, he would rather go back to middle school to be a teacher. I won’t become the richest man. There are many people who feel that it is not a pain in the back for him to stand and talk. In fact, these people live on the edge of a knife every day and have huge social responsibilities. They cannot even talk nonsense and pay attention to everything they do. They are not as free and easy as the general public. What about the second sentence? In the next 30 years, our world will undergo unprecedented and earth-shaking changes, and huge opportunities will also be hidden in it. This statement is logically impeccable and is outrageously correct because it is nonsense.

Recently I found a very interesting local adult live broadcast in South Korea called POPKONTV. I don’t know if it can be watched in China. After watching it for a few days, I discovered the gap between the Chinese and Korean live broadcast circles. I bought a gift of 10,000 Korean won and 60 RMB here, and the anchor directly I took off my clothes to express my gratitude, and it was a very warm thank you. Although it felt a bit fake, I could feel that the host was very considerate. Even if these anchors don’t take off their clothes, I feel like the money is well spent. When I watched the live broadcast in China, I didn’t have the urge to buy gifts, not at all, because I knew that buying gifts in China would not bring me closer to the host. The most I could do was say thank you and then pass to the next person, which was very unintentional. , even if you want to ask out for sex, you have to pay for a huge gift. The price-performance ratio is really not high. If you have that kind of money, you might as well fuck Hatano Yui. I have consulted several people who are involved in Japanese customs, and the first-hand AV girlfriend is sincere It's not expensive. The reason why the prices of actresses have skyrocketed in recent years is because they are all second-hand and third-hand. Some of them may have been transferred to multiple hands by tour guides before they became sky-high prices. Although I have never made an appointment with a Korean adult live broadcast female anchor, the price is 5000-10000, so I can definitely make an appointment, unless she really doesn't accept customers. Why can I determine the price? Because the national industries of Japan and South Korea have existed for a long time, they basically follow the principle of one penny for one product. Everyone knows how much something is worth, unlike some places where they charge sky-high prices because there are no rules. The funniest thing is that some people are fooled.

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