Ko Seafood restaurant in Hua Hin, Thailand, good reputation and fresh fish and shrimp
90% of the travel guides for Hua Hin, Thailand, will mention this restaurant. The click rate is really overwhelming. People come here just for its good reputation. We came early to take a seat, but we didn't know it was a very wise choice. When we left, it also fulfilled the guide's statement that this is the most popular seafood food stall in the night market. Looking at the people who started to line up, I began to feel happy again. I selected a few recommended dishes, lobster, crab, scallops, water spinach, which can be said to taste good, but not amazing. I personally think it's good enough for one time. The best scallops and water spinach are very authentic. In short, this meal is worth the price, 80 points, OK!