Christine Josh Publish time 2024-6-5 04:28

Rules and service categories of the red light district in Tokyo, Japan

Everyone knows that Japan is famous for its eroticism and decadent nightlife. I have been in Japan for more than five years and I am quite familiar with the so-called red-light district. Today I will share with you some inside stories of Japan's erotic industry and some things I have personally experienced.

I originally wanted to tell everyone where to play and let everyone go directly to the store, but the store here does not want to disclose detailed information, involving personal privacy and so on. So I can't say too much, and there are many language restrictions on domestic websites. If there are places that are not detailed, download the Zuihuiyou app and search for "Heaven Leading Road" to contact me.

In Japan, all erotic industries are called custom industries, and all related stores are also called custom stores. I personally think that this place is much "cleaner" than the red light district in Thailand. You won't see many old European and American old men hugging young girls, and the ladies here are more in line with our aesthetics in appearance.

In addition to the ladies, there are also many young men wearing ties. Their hairstyles are very fashionable and their temperament is different from that of ordinary office workers. Yes, they are male escorts, which is a benefit for all girls. Some shops will directly post photos of male escorts and make a ranking to see who is the most popular.

However, Japanese sex shops generally do not have store names. Most of them are run by Japanese individuals. You often cannot tell from the surface that there are sex shops here. There are also some non-public sex shops. If you are new here, you can only find the real sex shops if the guide takes you there.

Next, I will list several types of sex shops in Japan:

The first type: hotel shop

At present, the sex industry in Japan is still very up-to-date and provides online services, that is, hotel booking. That is, the sex shop does not provide rooms, so you book a room in the hotel, and then make an online reservation for the girl, and ask the sex shop to "deliver to your door". The advantage of this is that it respects personal privacy and avoids the embarrassment of face-to-face communication.

This service is the most common in the entire sex industry. If there are photos, you can choose from the photos. In addition to ordinary ladies, many online AV actresses can be booked. If you don't like the girl who comes, you can change her directly, but most stores will limit the number of changes to avoid constant harassment.

Comments: Because this service requires a phone call first, you must be able to at least understand the store's calls back and forth in Japanese, and be able to answer them yourself. Most importantly, this service is relatively exclusive to foreigners, so if you want to experience this online service, you can ask a friend who knows Japanese to help you make the call.

A British friend I knew before came to Japan to play. He had been to Kabukicho and had encountered obstacles because he was a foreigner and did not speak the language, so he decided to make an online reservation. However, when he started speaking English, the other party hung up the phone. In the end, he found me to help him make another call and make an appointment before a girl came to the door. When she saw that I was a foreigner, she wanted to leave. I explained to her, and my friend also said that she could pay more, so she agreed.

The second type: bubble bath

A bubble bath is to wear a thin gauze or nothing at all after entering the store, and then go to a room with a bathtub, and then the lady will come to bathe you and chat with you, and finally get to the point. This is the only legal custom shop in Japan at present. You don’t have to worry about safety issues. After all, girls are also afraid of getting sick. They go to the hospital for check-ups every month. There will be a girl in each room to serve you.

The process of this service is that if there is an appointment with a girl, you will wait for the girl to prepare; if there is no appointment, you will choose a girl by looking at the photo. The general store will first help the guests to wash simply, and then ask the guests to soak in the bathtub. Then start the service, and after the service is over, the girl will clean the bathtub, and will also help the guests to dress, and then put on their clothes, so the Japanese are still very meticulous in the service industry.

The types of bubble bath shops are divided into ultra-easy shops, mass shops and high-end shops. The difference is the length of time and the cost. The ultra-easy shop takes about half an hour, the mass shop service time is about 90 minutes, and the high-end shop is the highest level of enjoyment in the bubble bath shop, with a basic service time of about 120 minutes.

Comment: Although there are many types of shops and they provide legal services, there are not many shops that can fully accept foreigners. However, when they know that you are not a native, they will also politely tell you that this shop does not accept foreigners, and then respectfully send you out.

The third type: Pink Salon

The English name of Pink Salon is Pink Salon. Its entire service project is completed with the mouth, which is a half-set service. There are two ways. The first is that the shop specifies the lady, and the second is that you can choose the lady by looking at the photo. Although the second one is a little more expensive, in order to avoid the appearance of the girl who comes is the type you don’t like, if there is the second situation, you should choose the second one.

Generally, this kind of service will not take too long, within half an hour. If the customer has not resolved the problem, the clerk will ask you if you want to extend the time. If not, the service will end there.

Comments: Just like bubble baths, they are not very accepting of foreigners, and I personally think that this type of service is relatively poor in terms of hygiene conditions. Some shops basically separate each room with a wooden board, and some are in the basement. The overall environment is not very good.

The fourth type: various theme clubs

Whether it is SM clubs, inflatable doll clubs or uniform clubs, there is everything here. They are similar to theme parks, and each club has a different theme.

The above-mentioned ones are actually relatively formal in the Japanese custom industry. Now let me introduce a more heavy-tasting store, that is, SM clubs. Because most people find it difficult to accept this kind of store, there are not many in number, and usually they do not serve foreigners.

I don't need to say much about the word SM, everyone knows what it means. It is the abbreviation of Sadism and Masochism, so in SM clubs you can enjoy the pleasure of abusing or being abused.

This kind of shop is divided into two types. The first type only provides abusive services, because some ladies don't want to be the one who is abused or the one who abuses others, so there will be a second type of shop, which is a shop where both can be enjoyed.

In general, in SM clubs, ladies will play the role of SM queens, then tie up customers and abuse them with various tools. Because SM shops are also a kind of custom shops, they do not allow real services, so in the end they still use hands or other methods.

Comments: The customers and ladies of this service need more language communication, so customers who do not understand Japanese basically have no way to enter, and they will be rejected when entering the shop.

The meaning of uniform club is also easy to understand. Many men have a uniform complex, and the uniform clubs in Japanese custom shops are created in response to such needs. When entering the door, in addition to choosing a lady, you also have to choose what kind of clothes she wants to wear.

There are various types of uniforms, such as OL uniforms, nurses, stewardesses, and campus uniforms. Usually, the decoration of the room in this kind of club is also very realistic. For example, if it is a campus theme, the whole environment also has desks and blackboards, and men can play the role of teachers or students, etc.

This kind of uniform club is also called a fantasy club, which satisfies the behavior that male guests can only perform in fantasy. However, this kind of service cannot perform real sexual behavior, and in the end it can only be solved by hand or other means.

Comment: Since this kind of service cannot be done in person, the only thing that can be satisfied is psychological activities, so there must be language interaction with the lady. If your Japanese ability is not strong, you will be stopped by the clerk at the door. Even if you get in, if you have difficulty communicating, the feeling of playing will be much worse.

Different from the above two real-life mode clubs, there is also a club that simulates real people in the island country, which is the inflatable doll club, which is generally not common. The inflatable doll is made very realistically, and it is no different from real people in terms of weight and skin feel.

Guests can play with the inflatable doll in the room for 1 hour. The face, hair and clothes of the inflatable doll can be freely selected, and even some body parts of the inflatable doll can be replaced according to the guest's request.

Comments: This type of service does not require very high language skills, but compared with real people, there is still a difference. If you don't speak the language, you can consider it.

Fifth type: male public relations

I introduced this type at the beginning. There are gigolos in every red light district, and Japan is no exception. The male public relations here have undergone rigorous training. From the photos, they may still have a bit of a killer Matt atmosphere. Sometimes when taking female guests to the store, they don't like it at first sight, but after chatting for a while, they are instantly fascinated, because these male public relations can seduce people with some lingering love words, after all, they are actually trained.

Most male escorts do not engage in sex transactions. They focus on emotional dramas. For example, working women who have nowhere to go after work, who need a place to cry after a breakup, or who need to vent their stress at work will come to male escorts. The services listed by male escorts are very detailed, including shopping, tea, movies, travel, etc.

They mainly rely on the commission from selling alcohol, because as long as the alcohol is opened by the customer, the male host must drink it all. However, some people will engage in sexual transactions, and some customers will give them very expensive jewelry and luxury cars. In the male host shop, every woman is made to feel like a queen or a princess. Girls like to imagine that they have a prince charming. Here, women's needs can be fully met.

Comment: Girls who like to see handsome guys can still come here to feast their eyes. They are very considerate and caring to women, and will make you ignore that he is not good to you because of money.

Sixth type: Japanese body banquet

Japanese human body feast is also called "Nyotaimori". I believe you may have seen it on TV or heard of it. Put sashimi, sushi, fruits and other foods on beautiful women to attract diners. In fact, it is not quite correct to classify it as a custom industry. It's just that many friends who have come to Japan in recent years want to see the real situation, so I will tell you about it today.

Geisha of Nyotaimori must be virgins, have a good figure, be beautiful, have fair skin, less body hair, and the best blood type is type A. What I want to tell you here is that geisha and prostitutes are different. Geisha pleases customers through their talents. For example, this kind of geisha of Nyotaimori, as the old saying goes, sells art but not body. If you eat Nyotaimori in a formal place, you must not touch girls. This is a kind of artistic enjoyment.

The process of Nyotaimori is that if the diner orders Nyotaimori, after a strict cleansing procedure, they will lie naked in the guest's room and take a fixed posture. The assistant will put the ingredients on the body, and the female body will lie there quietly, unable to speak, let alone move, staring at the ceiling, not looking around, and being completely obedient to the guests.

Comment: Looking at the picture, it is very erotic, but as a diner, you can only eat the dishes, and the price is relatively expensive. Some people think that Nyotaimori is a combination of food, beauty, and beautiful scenery, but some people think that this is very perverted and not used to it. It's a personal habit.

The seventh type: naked party

I believe that everyone must have participated in various parties. Pool parties may be more common, but there should be fewer naked parties in China. There is no specific store for naked parties. If there are guests, I will arrange hotels and people. The party location is relatively secret, arranged at the rooftop pool hotel. Men and women either don't wear clothes or wear cooler clothes. I won't say much, just go to the picture.

Comments: This kind of service is fun only with many people. It is not interesting to do it alone, so it is recommended to come in a group to find this kind of service.

The consumption prices of the above-mentioned custom shops:

The first type, hotel ticket price: including the hotel and the lady’s common expenses, it starts at 20,000 yen, and then it depends on the quality of the girl. If you want to make an appointment with an AV actress, the price will be hundreds of thousands of yen, and generally few people make an appointment.

The second type, the price of bubble bath: Generally, the service time of the exciting shop is short, and it is about 10,000 to 20,000 yen; the public shop is 30,000 to 50,000 yen; the high-end shop is generally around 70,000 to 100,000. Of course, the service and the appearance of the girls are also very different with the different levels of the shop.

The third type: Pink salon price: This should be the cheapest service. You will pay first when you enter the shop. The cheap shop is 3,500 yen for half an hour, and the better shop is about 8,000 yen. If you specify a girl, you have to add another 2,000 yen.

The fourth type, club price: generally around 10,000 yen, some shops are around 13,000, and the price does not exceed 20,000 yen.

Fifth, the price of male host consumption: the decoration of male host stores is more luxurious, because girls pay more attention to romance, but the actual price is not that expensive.

However, the price of more popular male hosts is indeed very expensive, but the price of ordinary male hosts is actually not bad. If you toast, it is generally about 1,000 yen per cup, about 5,000-8,000 yen per hour. Then the price is calculated separately if you want to take them out for shopping or walking.

Sixth, the price of human body sushi: generally about 30,000 to 50,000 yen.

Seventh, the price of naked party: including booking a hotel and selecting a lady, it is about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per person.

In fact, there are still many unspoken rules in the Japanese custom industry. For example, compared with the red light districts in Japan and Thailand, everyone knows that they do not accept foreigners very much. You may be able to enter for some simple services and watch the performances, but if you want to get serious, sorry, they do not accept foreigners.

In fact, the statement that they do not accept foreigners is only half right, because the truth is that Japanese sex shops are just worried that language barriers will lead to communication difficulties, which will affect their own store's poor service, especially if disputes arise. Most sex shops are unwilling to take such a risk. They will worry that you don't know the rules, so they would rather not do business with you.

Most of the services in the Japanese sex industry that I just introduced above require language proficiency, so it is difficult for people who do not understand Japanese to enter Japanese sex shops, especially some shops have some secret codes that you do not understand. If you cross the line, you may be kicked out.

For example, the word I mentioned above - "real sex is prohibited". What does the word "real sex" mean? Movies refer to formal performances, and in the sex industry, it is called formal sexual behavior, which means that real sexual behavior cannot be performed. In Japan, the only legal service that can be performed in real sex is bubble baths. In shops that cannot perform real sex, you can often see notices such as "real sex is prohibited".

This notice is usually very common, and will be posted in the most conspicuous place, or in every room. It will be written very clearly, and will also warn you that some stores will be fined if such behavior occurs. Does it feel like I took off my pants to show me this?

You don't have to worry. Although it is illegal, the Japanese regulations in this regard are not very detailed, so the shops and the girls will take advantage of loopholes. Some girls in some shops will have sex with customers in private to make more money, and the shops will also discuss with the girls in private that the price of sex is a little higher, but if you don't have enough language skills, you can't cross this regulation.

Stores usually don't directly tell customers whether they have sex services. Here I can give you two tips. The first is that you can communicate with the clerk. For example, if you say that it would be better if there is a sex experience here, if the clerk says that this is prohibited, or there are no such girls, then this store will not have sex services. If the clerk replies that this is not allowed in principle, without basic denial, then it is OK. Another point is that you can also look at the price. If a store has a service time of one hour and the price is 30,000 yen, then basically there will be no sex services. This is an example, not all stores are like this. In fact, as long as you can speak Japanese, you have the opportunity to go to Japanese custom shops and experience more services. After all, our Chinese body shape is similar to that of Japanese people, unlike white people in European countries. Besides being helpful in communication, the most important thing about learning Japanese is that you won’t be overcharged.

Some shops have some additional rules when accepting foreigners, such as charging more money, and if you are a foreigner, you may have to ask for a condom if you originally provide prostitutes without condoms. However, not every shop is like this. I just want to tell you that Japan is an acquaintance society. If you want to have fun in a Japanese sex shop, you really need to be proficient in Japanese.

Finally, I will teach you a few anti-fraud guidelines:

Many people told me that they went to places like sex shops because they were worried that they were not experienced enough and were afraid of being cheated. As it turns out, there are a lot of Chinese people who have been cheated in Japanese sex shops, but basically they went alone or were unfamiliar spectators.

But I'm here to tell you that in the red-light district of Japan, the people who can cheat you out of your money are definitely not the staff and bosses of the formal sex shops. Only the guides and the people soliciting customers on the roadside will cheat you out of your money. The most outrageous thing about sex shops is that they will pass off inferior goods as good ones. After all, those high-quality resources will definitely be reserved for regular customers in the store or customers introduced by acquaintances. The guides will cheat you out of everything without you seeing or touching anything.

Someone must be asking me what a guide is? It means a guide. As for why sex shops don't cheat you out of money, it's because they are formal businesses in Japan and have a certain respect for the law. Under normal circumstances, you won't get nothing after paying. The Japanese are still very disciplined.

The waters in the free information agencies are very deep, either you get turned away or you get cheated. However, for a new driver, such an agency is undoubtedly a better method. Although the money is high, as long as the girl is satisfied, it's fine.

Japanese and experienced drivers will definitely not find girls in this way, because the real good shops will not cooperate with free information agencies. High-quality shops are very busy and their own resources are not enough, so they don't have the time to find someone to cooperate with.

As for the situation of custom shops selling inferior goods as good ones, I just said above that Japan is an acquaintance society, you are just a passer-by, so they don't care about your service. It is also common for the service attitude to be bad or even indifferent. What they think is, it's just this once.

In addition to shops like the free information center, there are also customer agents on the sex shops in Japan. The Chinese meaning of customer agent is to solicit customers. This does not mean an intermediary, but to directly help the sex shops solicit customers. However, this type of solicitation is divided into legal and illegal. It is legal to solicit customers in a small area in a sex shop, but it is illegal to solicit customers outside a specific sex shop.

If you are targeted by an illegal customer agent, in addition to taking you to various shops that charge you a lot of money, the most dangerous thing is that you will be cheated of all your money. Many friends who do not understand Japanese will encounter such things when they first come here. In fact, you should not think that you can speak English well. It is useless for you to speak it yourself. Most Japanese people who do this kind of thing do not speak English.

Especially if you encounter someone soliciting customers in Chinese, you must not go there, because they are the ones who are being deceived. If you were in China, you would see a store where people are soliciting customers in English. Wouldn't you be surprised? It must be that people speak the language of the country they are in.

When I first arrived in Japan, I heard that a buddy of mine was deceived when he first came to Japan. He said that it was because he had just arrived and was unfamiliar with it. Then he had dinner near Kabukicho and was about to go back. Not long after he walked out of the restaurant, he was stopped by a man who spoke Chinese and said that he could take him to find a lady. He also gave him a lot of photos of girls. My friend wanted to see them, so he went with him. He started by saying that he would pay 40,000 yen and then choose a girl. He took my friend to a hotel and said that because my friend was a foreigner, he had to pay a deposit of 50,000 yen. At that time, he said that since he was here, he should pay it. Because he didn't bring so much cash, he went to a nearby ATM to withdraw money. Then he was locked in the room after entering the hotel and was not allowed to come out. His card was also taken away. Finally, he called me to pick him up at the hotel because he had no money on him anyway.

So, finally, I would like to remind you that if you see someone soliciting customers on the street, don't follow him. Legal sex shops in Japan will not have the kind of solicitors who follow you around the street and keep recommending the shop to you.

Finally, I would like to tell you that the cheaper the place, the more people there are, and the less they accept foreigners. If you encounter such a shop, don't try it. They don't have time to deal with you as a newcomer. More importantly, you are likely to be targeted and can't leave even if you want to.

In fact, in the current Japanese sex industry, it is really difficult to bring foreigners in if you are not a regular customer, and there are very few shops that fully accept foreigners. If you want to truly experience a Japanese sex shop, it is best not to go alone.

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