Edwina Yerkes Publish time 2024-6-24 23:17

The most thoughtful travel guide to Okinawa, recording my first trip abroad

I have been talking about traveling abroad for many years, and my visa has expired several times. Because of my reasons, I have never been able to do so. How can I go on a group outing alone to have fun, travel with my family, and realize my first overseas travel? Vision~

With the communication, planning and negotiation between colleagues Yibo and Fliggy Platform, a series of procedures before leaving the country were completed. Fortunately, the passport is still valid for two years. This time I had the opportunity to go to Okinawa and applied for multiple visas for Japan for three years. Due to the remote geographical location and cultural differences, Okinawa's economic development level is far lower than that of other regions in Japan. However, on the other hand, the isolated Okinawa has retained its simplicity. culture and pure natural scenery, so the government decided to rely mainly on tourism to develop the economy. This probably explains why Okinawa is one of the check-in points for Chinese citizens to apply for a three-year multiple-entry visa to Japan.

Departing from Hangzhou, the flight usually takes about 3 hours to reach Naha City. Okinawa Prefecture to which Naha City belongs is located between Kyushu Island, Japan and Taiwan Province, China. It is an administrative region of Japan. It belongs to the Kyushu region in Japan. It is centered on the Ryukyu Islands and consists of Miyako Islands, Yaeyama Islands and other islands. Many small islands form an arc along the Chinese mainland. The land area accounts for about 0.6% of the total area of ​​Japan. It is located in 47 prefectures. The county ranks 44th. The total area of ​​Okinawa County is 2,249 square kilometers, while the area of ​​Hangzhou City is 16,600 square kilometers. This means that the entire Okinawa is less than one-seventh of Hangzhou, while Naha City is only 38 square kilometers. 1/436 of Hangzhou, so three days is basically enough to visit Naha’s attractions.

Such a mini attraction, naturally every inch of land is precious. You can feel it deeply from the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel Naha, from the mini hotel lobby to the mini double double room. , at first I thought they had booked the wrong room for me, but after looking at the twin room, I realized that it was really a double bed. There are some mini coffee tables and stools placed in the mini room. Of course there is a mini bathroom. I think the smart toilet in the bathroom is pretty good. I must experience its comfortable water flow!

It was already night when we arrived at the hotel. There is an hour time difference between Okinawa and Beijing time. After simply arranging our luggage, the team members went about their own work to solve the problem of food and clothing. Fortunately, there are restaurants everywhere downstairs. After walking a few steps, I stopped at the door of a restaurant that smelled pretty good. Since I had a family with me and didn't want to go too far, I walked right in.

However, after entering, I found that this did not seem to be an authentic Japanese restaurant. The cuisine was a bit Western. To put it bluntly, it was a variety of Teppanyaki set meals. I looked at the illustrated menu and ordered a pork chop and a steak. The set menu and drinks are mainly based on various cocktails. I used unfamiliar English and Chinese-Japanese translation software to communicate with the waiter about issues such as children not eating spicy food.

It is said that the Japanese hate extravagance and waste. It is best to eat all the dishes ordered, otherwise it will be uncivilized. The three people basically ate all the steak and pork chops after one operation. But except for the two steaks, there are really not many other things. The fried sausage with bitter melon is said to be one of the specialties of the cuisine. It is not bad. Although the coconut blended wine is not very used to it, the overall cool feeling is okay. The sauce is different from Domestic soy sauce and vinegar are not very tasty.

Afterwards, I felt a little distressed when I paid the bill. It was more than 13,000 yen, which is equivalent to nearly 900 yuan for two people and one child. If you are eating at grandma's house in China, you have to choose the best. It’s an expensive place to get high, but it’s a rare place to go. Having fun is the most important thing.

▼ The first day
The next day, the team chartered a car tour , more than 20 people chartered a bus that is said to be the only flying pig cooperative bus on the island. The flying pig pattern on the bus is very friendly. The female tour guide following the bus is Taiwanese and has been in Okinawa for many years. She spoke skillfully and humorously in Chinese and Japanese Help us arrange the itinerary and precautions along the way, and happily start this day's check-in trip from south to north!

First stop: Manzamo
Manzamo is a national natural park located in Onna Village on the west coast of Okinawa. It is said to be one of the best landscapes in Okinawa Prefecture. It is located on a cliff by the sea. On the cliff is a vast green grassland. Looking out from the cliff, the scenery is magnificent. The tour guide said that the main purpose here is to see the "Elephant Trunk", and the scenic spot is relatively small. , hoping we would use 20 minutes to get back to the car and rush to the next attraction.

"Manza" means "ten thousand people sit down", and "mo" is the dialect of Okinawa, which refers to an open space overgrown with weeds, so "Manza Mo" refers to a large lawn that can accommodate ten thousand people to sit down. . Here you can not only enjoy the sea and sky, but also overlook the coral reefs under the cliffs.

Second stop: Kouri Island
Japanese people are very punctual, and the tour guide said that they wish to visit every place they go. Everyone can get back to the car on time before the stipulated time. When the driver arrives, he will leave directly without waiting for anyone. However, it costs almost 20,000 yen to take a taxi back to the hotel from the scenic spot. In order to reflect our high quality as a Chinese, we Return to the parking spot 5 minutes early and rush to the next stop, Kouri Island.

Only when I arrived at Kouri Island did I realize that the sea water here is so blue. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, every photo you take looks like a computer desktop.

The child probably woke up early in the morning and fell asleep shortly after getting on the car from Manzamo. My wife took the child to rest in the car, and I went down to buy a few bottles of water. (Shopping in Japan basically supports Alipay and WeChat. Just say Alipay and the other party will understand it instantly). Since they only had half an hour to stay, the friends went to the beach to take photos and group photos. Leave Kouri Island and rush to the next stop: Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Third stop: Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Churaumi Aquarium is the longest stay attraction arranged in today’s itinerary. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium was established at the site of the 1975 Okinawa International Ocean Expo (National Okinawa Memorial Park-Ocean Expo Park) A large aquarium with the theme of "vivifying the mystery of Okinawa", it is also the aquarium of the Okinawa Ocean Expo Memorial Park. It was officially opened in November 2002. "Churaumi (美ら海) means "clear and beautiful ocean" in the Okinawan dialect.

The first stop at the aquarium is to watch the dolphin show. It is said that there are only three or four shows a day. , there is a dolphin that has been jumping for more than 40 years, and she and her family gave a shocking but unsatisfactory performance. It is bigger and more numerous than the domestic dolphins

After watching! The dolphins then visited the aquarium's signature attraction, the Underwater World. The main aquarium, the "Kuroshio Sea," is home to the world's largest fish: the whale shark, as well as the world's first successfully artificially cultured manta ray. . Through the large display window of the aquarium, visitors can watch the graceful swimming movements of fish of various shapes such as whale sharks and southern manta rays. There is also a semicircular viewing tunnel area on the side of the aquarium where visitors can stand. Looking up in the tunnel, you can see all kinds of colorful fish in the underwater world.

When I came out of the aquarium, I took my children to pick up shells and look for strange rocks at the beach, but I didn't see any. There are quite a lot of shells and small stones that have been impacted by the sea water. I am very surprised how the uniform small holes are formed on the small stones. The power of nature is really amazing

Fourth stop: Chatan-cho American Village
The American Village is a comprehensive cultural and commercial facility with entertainment facilities based on 3D images. , 8-screen movie theater, shopping mall, bowling alley, American restaurant, recording studio, entertainment center, imported grocery store, etc. Chatan Town has Kadena Base, the largest U.S. military air base in Japan, and the nearby area is home to most of the U.S. military. Where families live. Due to the needs of the US military, the Mihama area not far from the base has become a bustling commercial district, which is now the American Village.

The mark of the American Village. The most iconic building is a large observation car (Ferris wheel) with a diameter of 50 meters. Be sure to take photos when you come here. The price of the Ferris wheel is 600 yen for adults and 300 yen for children. It is charged by the circle. In fact, one ride is enough.

The Ferris wheel can basically see the whole of Naha City. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most shabby city in Japan. It is said that if it were not for the movie "Okinawa Love", it made tourism here popular. , Okinawa may be just a sparsely populated island, but this island, which is very similar to the style of China's fourth- and fifth-tier towns, has a factor that is not available in domestic first- and second-tier cities.

Fifth stop: Buffet
Return from the American Village and arrive at Kokusai Street after more than an hour's drive. There is a high-end buffet restaurant nearby, I forgot its name. The buffets in Japan are not as rich and dazzling as those in China, but they are all unique. The most popular thing is the braised pig's trotters that have been emptied in the picture below. The pig's trotters are completely stewed and melt in the mouth. Everyone was very excited at first. I implicitly picked up two pieces, and later decided to have a plate each.

Sixth stop: Kokusai Street
After the buffet, everyone chooses free time. Cross the road downstairs and you will find Kokusai Street. Tongtong and the hotel are only one kilometer away. Those who are tired of shopping can take a taxi or walk back to the hotel, while those who still have enough energy can go to the duty-free shop on Kokusai Tong with a few shopping companions. Outside is the most popular.

After shopping, it was already eight or nine o'clock local time. My daughter was too tired to take a step away, so she clung to me and carried me back. The distance was more than one kilometer. After navigating back to the hotel with the Japanese map in Chinese, my wife was immediately paralyzed from exhaustion, and my daughter simply took a shower and fell asleep after a while.

▼The next day
The next day is a free trip. Fortunately, it is a free trip. I experienced yesterday's rush and slow schedule. After that, I believe many people couldn’t get up. My wife was still lying down when I took her down to eat after 9 o’clock.

After packing up after 11 o'clock, some friends in the group went to the art museum and found out that it was closed for retreat today. They suggested that we go directly to Shuri Castle, so the day officially kicked off.

Seventh Stop: Shuri Castle
Shuri Castle (Japanese: スイグスク, English: Shuri Castle ) was built from the end of the 13th century to the beginning of the 14th century. From the 15th to the 19th century, it was the capital and royal palace of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Shuri Castle was the political and power center of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Shuri Castle was destroyed four times and was rebuilt for the last time in 1992.

Shuri Castle is an important historic site in the Ryukyu Islands. It is a Tang Dynasty-style building copied from the prototype that remained after the war. It was a place where the king handled national affairs, received envoys and held important celebrations. It combines the architectural features of China, Japan and Ryukyu Island. In December 2000, Shuri Castle was recognized as Japan's 11th World Cultural Heritage.

The tram Asahibashi Station is right in front of the hotel. It costs 260 yen for adults and free for children under 6 years old. The last stop is Shuri Station. Since there is a fee for visiting inside, we will follow our itinerary. I didn’t have time to go in and visit in detail. From the outside, the style inside the building was nothing more than an ancient Chinese temple or palace.

After coming out of Shuri Castle, we returned the same way and took the tram to Kokusai Street to continue shopping. In fact, we didn’t buy much in the end, just some Japanese medicines with good reputations. I needed makeup, toiletries, etc. Seeing that it was past 4 pm and I hadn’t had lunch yet, I planned to go back to the hotel to have a rest before attending the team dinner in the evening.

Gushikaku Japanese BBQ is a famous chain store in Naha, and it is also highly rated on Dianping. When we first arranged for us to have a private room and needed slippers to eat, we were a little embarrassed. After all, we had been away for a day, in case someone didn’t taste the same. Okay, that would affect my appetite, but I decided to give it a try. At least there is a place for feet under the table, so I don’t need to put it up. All kinds of barbecue and beer came together. I ordered several times. I ordered a bowl of delicious noodles three times. This dinner was also the most exciting and enjoyable dinner I have ever had in Japan.

▼Day Three
On the last day, I am going to go to the beach and take my daughter to truly experience the beach, the sea, and the feeling of running barefoot.

Stop 8: Namigamigu Shrine
Namigamigu Shrine is located 1 km northwest of Naha City Hall. It is built on a hill overlooking the sea scenery. Coral reef on cliff. As the name suggests, "Washang Palace" means that when the waves rise, it looks like it is on top of the waves from a distance. Next to Namigamigu Shrine is the beach closest to the hotel, which is about 1.5 kilometers away. You can rent kimonos to take photos at Namigamigu Shrine. Our purpose was the beach, and the kimonos are actually no different from the costume photos taken by the West Lake, so we didn’t stay too much.

There are not too many people on the small beach next to it. It is not as crowded as dumplings on the beaches in China. The sea water is still blue and clear. The beach is very clean. The sand on the beach is relatively thick and feels good when you step on it. It took a while, and I even felt a little bit after returning to Hangzhou. I didn’t swim in the water even though I was carrying my bag, so I took a dip in the shallow water. My daughter went crazy and sat in the water to pile up sand.

Since the flight is at 7:30 in the evening, I have to arrive at the airport 3 hours in advance. I calculated that the departure time is almost 4:00. I played at the beach until 1:30 and felt like I had to have lunch. After hearing about the amazing ramen they spread, I felt it was necessary to eat it once. I used Google Navigation to go about 2 kilometers away. I stopped a taxi on the roadside and used a Japanese translation software to confirm the address, and then I came to "Nuan Mu" Ramen. in front of a store.

It is said that the most popular ramen in Okinawa - Numu Ramen, ranks first in Okinawa in terms of popularity. There are a total of 6 stores in Okinawa. After queuing for an hour, I finally got to try it!

Japanese ramen is really very particular. From thick noodles to thin noodles, hard noodles to soft noodles, to the richness of the soup, to whether to add green onions, the degree of spiciness, etc., you can choose it yourself.

After entering the store, order at the self-service machine, and then the waiter will confirm the taste details with you one by one. The L-shaped dining table has a capacity of about 10 people, and the average dining time per person is about 20-30 minutes.

A small bowl of ramen can be made with such care, and I finally understand why I have to queue for so long!

It was almost 3:30 after finishing the ramen. I quickly returned to the hotel, took the suitcases stored in the lobby, and took the train straight to the airport, ending my three-day trip to Okinawa.

▼ Extra Chapter
As a first-time foreigner, I have a lot of curiosity. Feelings of emotion are inevitable.

A friend who traveled around the world on a budget told me that Japan has the highest happiness index among all the countries he has visited.

I haven’t been to other countries so it’s hard to judge, but aside from my love complex, from what I’ve seen in Okinawa, some places are indeed better than us. For example: you can hardly hear car horns here, regardless of whether there is congestion or the car in front. Even if I forget the traffic light, the car behind me will not honk to urge me. No matter how far the distance between the two cars is, I will not see a car blocking the road. The speed of vehicles at intersections is always very slow, and they will stop and give way to pedestrians when they are far away.

Taxi drivers are very friendly. They will not start using the meter or show any impatience before confirming the address with you. This is even more evident during the driving process. Their civilized driving makes people secretly sigh.

This city does not have much of a high-tech feel. Even the corners of the ground are kept extremely clean. It takes a long way to find a trash can. Surprisingly, there are no trash cans in the whole process. I found a few cleaners who felt a little scary. The toilets everywhere in the scenic spots were also very clean.

The politeness of the Japanese makes people feel very sincere and comfortable. I can’t imagine that this country that once invaded everywhere can be so civilized; it is difficult to find vehicles other than Japanese vehicles in Okinawa. It is said that the locals The quality of Toyota and Honda is much better than that of domestic products; when you first arrived at the Japanese airport, because you came out a little late, your suitcases were neatly placed at the collection area for you, and the service of the security staff was also very patient and gentle. If you ask for a cup of hot water, they will run to get it for you...

It is said that Japan is a country with strong execution and principles!

There are scenes of riding Japanese trains in "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Spirited Away". During this trip to Okinawa, I personally experienced it and found that it felt like something in the cartoon.

The Japanese are very good at following the order of queuing up and sitting down first. There is no phenomenon like old ladies turning into Bruce Lee when fighting for seats in the domestic subway. There are no trash cans in the car. It is said that ice cream is not allowed on all cars in Japan (Japanese ice cream is very good, but it melts very easily). It should be that other foods are not eaten on the car. The seats of the tram are very clean, with no water stains, debris, etc. If children put their feet on the seats, they will give a friendly reminder. At every stop, the driver will gracefully stick his head out of the car to confirm that everyone is on the bus before driving. The order of getting off the bus at every stop is also very good, and people in the seats will get up and line up at the back of the queue. Get off the train in turn...

Riding a Japanese train is slow and orderly, yet fast and efficient!

Japanese ice cream tastes very good, sweet but not greasy, and melts in your mouth, but it needs to be digested quickly because it melts easily. After eating one of my daughter’s ice creams, her whole skirt was covered with colorful flowers. Yes, when the Japanese girls saw it, they called her kawaii.

FamilyMart can be seen everywhere in Japan. If you want to buy water, snacks, etc., just go to FamilyMart. In addition, UNIQLO and muji are also very friendly.

There are automatic water vending machines everywhere on the streets of Japan, so you don't have to worry about having no place to buy water at night. Automatic water vending machines have both room temperature water and iced drinks. You can just put in a 10,000 dollar bill or a 500 dollar coin. The purchasing process is the same as in other countries.

Many people say that Okinawa is relatively the least civilized city in Japan. Going to Tokyo and Osaka will allow you to truly see the quality and technological power of a powerful country. In the past, small Japan was really arrogant. We have gone too far, we have been barbaric, we have been animals, but in addition to hatred and hostility, facing the current situation, should the Chinese people also reflect on it, enhance the strength of China that it should have, and show us to the world with a more civilized and powerful force? The soul of a great country.

Goodbye Okinawa, my first overseas trip, see you next time in Tokyo! The most attentive travel guide to Okinawa, the most attentive Okinawa travel guide to remember my first overseas trip, the most attentive Okinawa travel guide to remember my first overseas trip, the most attentive Okinawa travel guide to remember my first overseas trip
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