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The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives

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Post time 2024-6-8 18:13 | View all Read mode

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The first time I had the opportunity to go out of Bangkok was to go to Pattaya. But I felt that there was nothing to write about there (I later slapped myself in the face, and I will write about this in another travelogue). So far, I have traveled to so many cities in Thailand, and Pattaya is the most expensive and boring city. The only thing that left a deep impression was the sea route to Golden Beach Island. The boatman made an exception and allowed my husband and I to sit on the bow of the speedboat, watching the large number of speedboats flying across the sea. It was just like a game scene, so cool.

One weekend morning, I was drinking iced coffee at home and basking in the sun, and suddenly a friend suggested whether to go to Hua Hin. I was hesitant at first, and I looked up the guide on the Internet, but a picture became the reason for me to go there.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives

Internet pictures, unknown source, infringement and deletion

The initial impression is that since the third or fourth grade of elementary school, I always have the same dream repeatedly, dreaming that I am hiking up the mountain, going to A temple in a cave. The style of the temple was very unfamiliar. When I grew up, science and technology developed, and I learned through the Internet that this was the style of Buddhist temples in Southeast Asia (I later checked the information and found that Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand were the most suitable). This is not a joke or a script about the ancient city. I really regard this dream as a memory of my previous life, and have been looking for the temple in this cave.
- Khao Wang Palace-

Thailand’s coastline is like a crescent. If you open the map and look at it, Hua Hin is on the left towards Malaysia. . The most popular attraction in Hua Hin is Khao Wang Palace. Some scenes in the movie "Anna and the King" took place in Khao Wang Palace. Of course, there is a reason why this movie was not released in Thailand. The gap between the movie and reality is too big. The real Anna and the King are not as romantic as the movie said... The place where Kao Wang Palace is located is called Pana Phra Nakhon Khiri means city in the mountains.
Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The temple after climbing to the top is part of the palace

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The monkey in the palace is like a master

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
“ Hey, are you here? Please come inside.”

Except for this famous movie, Kaowang Palace is indeed a beautiful place. There are many monkeys on the mountain. I was taking pictures of the monkeys when it suddenly squatted and seemed to be about to jump. I tried to open my hands, and the monkey jumped into my arms naturally. This action is wonderfully coherent! I opened the soda for him and another older monkey to drink, and he held my hand while drinking.
Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
I'm so happy to be held hands >_<

Khao Wang Palace is very large, spanning two hills. After reaching the top of the mountain, you can have a bird's eye view of Cha-am City and enjoy the visual treatment that King Rama IV received back then.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives

Ordinary people can only enjoy the royal experience in this era.

- Santorini Park -

After having lunch at the foot of the mountain and buying some souvenirs (the things sold at tourist attractions in Thailand are generally not expensive, and the same is true at the airport. The tour guide in the company said that he has been to so many countries, but he only dares to eat at the airport in Bangkok), we went to Santorini Park. Santorini Park is a man-made attraction, built to imitate the blue and white houses of the Greek island of Santorini. It is not a big place, next to a water park, and there is a commercial street inside. There are not many businesses settled in it. It seems to be getting more and more depressed in recent years, but it is very suitable for soft girls to take pictures or something. Because I bought the ticket with a Thai driver's license (the driver's license is really useful, and you can enjoy the local fare at the scenic spot), it was only 50 baht.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Santorini Park

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
At that time, there were still enough shops to eat lunch.

- Plernwan Retro Market -

Then there is the retro market in the city. It has two floors and is not very big. I was quite excited to see a market of this size because I had not yet come across the Srinakarin Market in Bangkok. This market was renovated from a warehouse and is made of wood. It is quite nice. There are handmade products for sale in the market, as well as some local specialties of Hua Hin. You can try Thai milk tea and mango sticky rice, which are both up to standard. Finally, I bought some refrigerator magnets, Hua Hin road signs and mailbox-shaped ones.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Looking down from the second floor of Plernwan Retro Market, the architectural design is really beautiful

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Because it is a renovation of an old building, all the wooden structures are maintained without losing the flavor.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
There are also modern clothing and accessories shops, the prices are...really cheap, maybe it's because the cost of living in a small city is not high

- Hua Hin Railway Station -

Hua Hin Railway Station is one of the most beautiful railway stations in Thailand. It was built during the reign of King Rama VI. Many Thais take the train to this station specifically to take photos. Although it is old, the station has always been well maintained. The old trains are placed in the garden in front of the station for display and taking photos. You can enter the platform at will, and everyone sits or stands waiting for the train to arrive. When the train arrives, they still ring the copper bell to inform passengers. Everything seems to have stopped in that era.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Station bell

Many people also sighed after seeing it, "It's just a small train station." But if you have been to most train stations in Thailand, you will find that except for Hua Lamphong in Bangkok, the train stations in other places are very small. The size alone cannot change the fact that it is beautiful.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
I like this architectural style and color scheme

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
My husband came in randomly because the overseas Chinese hat he was wearing seemed to fit the atmosphere of the old times.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The telephone booth at the station is really usable, but I don't know who I can call after inserting a coin.

The highlight of the night was the seafood dinner. Hua Hin is a city by the sea, and there are many stilt restaurants built on the beach. The environment is very good, and the price of seafood is much cheaper than in Haikou (later I experienced the even cheaper seafood in Rayong, and I felt that the prices in my hometown were so bad that I couldn't even cry). The combination of lobsters, blood snails, prawns, and fish only cost about 80 yuan per person. Of course, the romantic environment is the key point. After dinner, we held hands and watched the sea water slowly hit the rocks, and crabs crawled out of the beach and ran around.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Seaside restaurant

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Hua Hin is currently visited by more Europeans, Americans and Thais.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The environment is really beautiful. Although it is not a high-end restaurant, the experience is excellent.

- Khao Long Cave -

I got up early the next day and saw some photos of local attractions posted in the lobby of the B&B. So I asked for directions and went to the Seven Kings Square along the coastline. The Seven Kings Square is a newly built place with a large area. It houses seven famous kings in Thai history (five of them were great kings. After the death of King Rama IX, he was posthumously named the sixth great king). Because it was newly built, it was not on Google Maps. I asked locals along the way and found that it was not officially open, so there was no entrance fee. Just a simple "security check" (check whether the clothes are appropriate) and you can enter the square to visit. The scene looks very majestic, because the statues are huge and the material is unknown, it looks particularly majestic.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The one in the middle is King Taksin, who founded the Thonburi Dynasty and came from Chenghai, China.

After leaving the Seven Kings Statue, we continued along the coastline to Pebre. We met many campers on the beach. Some elderly people moved stools to sit on the beach to bask in the sun. In the woods, a family was playing with their dog. We stopped to buy coconuts to drink and enjoy the sea breeze. Probably because of the low tide, the fishermen were all on the shore, and the boats were stranded on the beach, giving off a "three-day net drying" atmosphere.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
There are often such sheds in coastal cities. They are probably built by fishermen for rest. Some also sell drinks and snacks.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The weather was great, so I started playing without realizing it...

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
There are many stranded boats and red flags on the shore. It is not a good day to go out to sea.

Kaolong Cave is a natural rock cave on a mountain. After climbing for a long time, I met a foreign uncle. I asked him how far it was to the top of the mountain. The uncle answered me that it was still two kilometers. Seeing that I opened my eyes in surprise, he laughed and said, I was kidding, it’s not far, it’s only two hundred meters away.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
I looked at the sea from the mountain. The layers are so beautiful.

The cave is full of stalactites and bats, so the environment is humid and dark, and you can only rely on your phone for lighting. When you reach the bottom, there is a naturally formed gap in the top of the cave, and light pours in. Suddenly, I feel that the atmosphere is very "Grave Robbers' Notes".

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
Light pouring down from the stalactite cave

- Phaya Nakhon -

After going down the mountain, we had lunch at a small restaurant by the sea, and we spent the rest of our time in Phaya Nakhon. Phaya Nakhon is far from the city of Hua Hin, and the journey is inconvenient. You have to rent a boat to go a section of the waterway, and then go to a small island. There will be a guide to take you to the foot of the mountain. Give a 100-baht tip, and you can go up the mountain by yourself. Despite this, I still insisted on going, just to see if it was the place in my dream.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The deserted beach on the island is really rare, and the comfort is MAX

I was looking for familiar scenery along the way, but who knows, everything feels so familiar and strange. When we arrived at the cave entrance, my husband asked me, how do you feel? Is this the place you dreamed of? I said I don't know.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The tall plants on the way up the mountain make people feel at ease

In the dream, there was a water source near the cave, but there was none here. Then we walked down into the cave, and there was a brief introduction next to it. I read it and found that there was indeed a water source here a long time ago, but it dried up. It's incredible.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The vegetation that grew up with the sunlight from the gap is really tenacious

What shocked me the most was the scenery of this cave. The small temple was built in the cave near the inside. When you walked into the first cave, you would never guess that there was a different world inside. The two caves are connected by a small wooden bridge. I was shocked after just one look on the wooden bridge. My husband was still taking pictures outside, so I quickly called him over. He just uttered, "Fuck!"

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
The temple in the cave, there is a human in the lower left corner, you can compare the size of the plants

There are many giant plants inside (see the comparison between the people and plants in the picture), and the sunlight through the cave provides the basic elements for the growth of these plants. After visiting the temple, I walked around these plants again and again, marveling at the wonders of nature.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives
I was really shocked when I came here. The life of nature is so tenacious.

Although I didn't know in the end whether this place was the place that appeared in my dream. If it was a memory of my previous life, it should have happened many, many years ago. The landforms and environment have been changing. Maybe I really can't meet the dream again. But I met Phaya Nakhon, this beautiful cave, which guided me to come here through mountains and rivers. I was very satisfied to see the beautiful scenery. Thanks to the Thais, they didn't overdevelop this place, didn't build any artificial facilities here, and didn't set up stalls to sell water and hot dogs.

Pattaya-The sea of ​​Thailand and the seaside town of Hua Hin where people go to search for memories of past lives

Finally, the coast of Phraya Nakhon. I wish to return here every night when I toss and turn in my dreams.


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